East Lothian Care & Repair Charitable Trust was established to assist clients of Care & Repair East Lothian with additional financial assistance where necessary for essential adaptations and repairs to their homes
Case Studies
Where does the money go?
The Trust has been able to financially assist a number of clients with much needed works to their homes. Here are some of the projects we have been able to assist with.
Case study 1
A 76 year old gentleman suffers from arthritis in his hips, knees and hands as well as having weakness in his leg and spine due to a bone graft. For this reason he has been assessed as requiring a level access shower and is receiving a private sector grant from East Lothian Council towards the cost.
However the means test for the grant is based on the previous year when he had some income from part time employment. Due to a fall he has been unable to work for several months and therefore will not be able to meet the shortfall.
Grant sought and subsequently awarded from the Trust - £250
Case study 2
A 65 year old lady was diagnosed with spinal stenosis several years ago. This condition affects the nerves leading from the spine due to narrowing of the spinal cord and results in severe constant pain in lower limbs, muscle wasting and significantly impaired mobility. Consequently she urgently requires a level access shower and a stairlift in order to continue to live at home. This work has been supported by Social Work and a 74% grant has been awarded.
However, there remains a shortfall, and the family have no savings. The grant award was based on her husband’s earnings over the previous year, however he is due to retire shortly and will no longer have the income on which they were assessed. Due to the disability and limited income they have had no opportunity to save over the years since she had to give up work.
Grant sought, £500 towards the stairlift and £500 towards the shower and subsequently awarded from the Trust - £1000
Case study 3
An 83 year old gentleman has cancer and mobility problems requiring the installation of a stairlift which has been supported by Occupational Therapy. His wife also has mobility difficulties and is requiring both knee and hip operations. Albeit they have been awarded a disabled medical grant of 95%, this will still leave them a sum to find themseves.
Although they have some savings they have great difficulties in meeting their bills and are concerned about funeral expenses and emergency repairs to the house. Their outgoings are quite high for necessities such as heating and as they can no longer drive, even getting to the shops is becoming a difficulty. A stairlift will make a great difference to their quality of life.
Grant sought and subsequently awarded from the Trust - £270
Case study 4
A 61 year old lady had been assessed by an Occupational Therapist as requiring a thermostatically controlled overbath shower due to her disability. Among other things she has sudden seizures with no warning and so the adaptation is vital for her health and security.
Despite her disability she is an industrious woman and works in supported employment. However, she is on a very limited income. Her mother died last year and as a result she has had to take on responsibility for managing and financing the household alone which has been an additional challenge at this difficult time of bereavement. She is not able to fund this shortfall in grant herself.
Grant sought and subsequently awarded from the Trust - £500